The Fire Door Inspection Company Logo

The Fire Door Inspection Company

Fire Door maintenance, Installation & Inspection.

Who is The Fire Door Inspection Company?

Due to recent regulation change we can support you with. Fire Door maintenance. Fire Door inspection. Fire Door Installation.

This company is:

Service provider

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Products & services of The Fire Door Inspection Company

Product Fire Door Maintenance - The Fire Door Inspection Company image


Fire Door Maintenance - The Fire Door Inspection Company

There is a legal requirement for those responsible for buildings, under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, to ensure that all fire doors continue to retain the ability to resist the passage of fire throughout their working life. If issues are found with your fire doors they will need correcting as soon as possible and […]

Product Qualified, certificated fire door Inspections. image


Qualified, certificated fire door Inspections.

Certificated fire door Inspections - qualified fire door inspectors. Ensure your fire doors are compliant with all the relevant regulations.

Product Fire Door Installation - The Fire Door Inspection Company image


Fire Door Installation - The Fire Door Inspection Company

Having the correct rated fire door, which is fitted to the right standard, is very important. A fire door will only prevent the spread of fire and smoke if it is fitted correctly. It can cost lives if just one wrong component is used as this can affect the performance of the fire doors. All […]

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Fire Door Inspection
Fire Stopping
Fire Door Maintenance
Fire Door Installation
Public Safety


Government and Military

Contact of The Fire Door Inspection Company

City: Newcastle upon Tyne

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about The Fire Door Inspection Company

The company The Fire Door Inspection Company is located in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information The Fire Door Inspection Company has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company The Fire Door Inspection Company has it's main focus in the industries of Government and Military